There's a sort of exoticism that people expect from effective advice - it must be terribly complicated and surprising and…
Your weight is probably generally stable, which means you’re within a few calories per day of getting thinner. That means…
Thinking about your life is valuable, and makes it more valuable. There have been roughly three traditional methods, all compatible:…
People will spend hours arguing with complete strangers on the internet why they don't have twenty minutes for a workout.…
Maybe the fundamental reason your barista wears a waistcoat is a creeping collective sense that civilisation got derailed in the…
Imagine a western mandarin at a G20 summit. He drives a Volkswagen, has a grey suit, mediocre salary, a plain…
We live at a time of fakes. Anything you want, there's an easy way to get something a bit like…
What do you want? Don’t worry, it’s a trick question. I mean really, really want? Aside from ziga zig ha.…
There are two basic ways you can face your demons. One is: "I sure hope I don’t run into any…
Guest post from (Wisdomination’s note: you’ll notice some "doctrinal differences" between this guest post and my correct way of seeing…
Humanity will probably not remain a single species in the future. There's a thing called the founder effect, which “...occurs when…
It's simultaneously amazing, humbling and endlessly entertaining to read humanity's oldest known writings. You feel a deep kinship with all of…
I have good news for you, and bad news for lazy people. By and large, there are no secrets, shortcuts…
One of the best windows into a person's heart and head - including your own - is looking at whom they…
There is an overwhelming temptation in any programme of self-improvement to focus on things you're already amazing at, instead of…
Fellow time-travelling artificial intelligence uploaded into a passable, but not entirely convincing human body Elon Musk has unveiled a new company -…
You should probably not take your serious geopolitical analysis from a drunken essayist . That being said, for entertainment purposes,…
One of the surprising benefits of making respectable money is you stop lusting for a lot of the frivolous junk…
If you agree that things have causes, and that really big things don't just appear out of nowhere, you might…
Let’s talk about wisdom, what it is and how it relates to intelligence. It's in the title of the website, people…